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A big thank you to all the people  who wrote me these few lines. I owe them a great deal, because an artist always needs encouragement and they help me to persevere in this ever-ongoing work.

If you also want to testify, go to the "contact" section and you can then send me an email. 

All messages received are recorded. This section is moderate: surnames have been voluntarily replaced by initials, in order to respect the privacy of each. Similarly, too personal comments have been deleted.

Bruno S.

"Master of the world": "Beautiful marriage of academia and digital (architecture) that few artists dig."


Oksana V.

"Beautiful works, love it !"

Nicole R.

"Geometrical aiming": "Magnificent your work, bravo"

Camille L.

"I also was to see your site dreams of MBB, it's crazy all the styles that you propose! and indeed some paintings really give the vertigo! it is impressive. Bravo Good evening."


"Women’s eyes on the world": "Excellent! If the stone could speak... Bravo !"


Viola GR.

"This collection, RÊVES D'ENCRE, is just GENIUS ! "

Rêves d'encre : "I really love your Rêves d'encre!! Fantastic imagination and line. Congratulations on your creativity! Warmly !"

Nicole R.

"Life Course": "Wonderful your work, bravo it's great."."

Pedro R.

"Thank you very much Michèle for the "coup de coeur". I take this opportunity to tell you that you have a lot of talent and a beautiful gallery I am a fan. Love Pedro!"


Alain D.

"Love of Women" : "I really love this magnificent work. Congratulations ! "


Emma L.

"Love of Women" : "Beautiful ! "

Gérard V.

"I appreciate very much your gallery, cordially"



"Hi Michele, your work is interesting. Keep up the creativity! Scott."



"A big Thank you Artist !!! I discover your gallery and I like it a lot!!! Sincerely. Eden."

"Self Service" : "Excellent."

"Step by Step" : "I like it very much."

"Carousel" : "Excellent rendering! I love this carousel."

"In the chaos" : "Excellent subject matter! ! ! Bravo!"

Marisol U.

"Carousel" : "Preciosa realización, Magnifico."

"Ring" : "Genial, Magniico."


"You have a beautiful gallery."

Nathalie H.G.

"Ring" : "I like this wisdom very much."

Yves B.

"Bravo for your gallery that I discover and that transports me "elsewhere"....sympa..."

"Guerre de Poséidon" : "Magnificent..." 

Pedro R.

"Love of Women" : "Superb ! "

"Dark passage": "We're in a thriller, bravo."

"Pure Diamond": "Superb ! Sincerely"

"You have a beautiful gallery. Sincerely Pedro"

David V.

"Innocence": "It is a very beautiful work, bravo to you."


Ludo H.

"Meet the physiotherapist": "It was a gift for my daughter who starts as a physiotherapist. I waited for her reaction before writing to you.  She was really surprised with such a beautiful drawing. And she’s going to give him a nice place, now he’s still at home (so that everyone who passes by can admire him) and when she has her own practice, he’ll have an exceptional place. I, like Dad, made a very good choice. Thank you for your work."​


"Battle of the Titans": "Beautiful image, with great depth."


Bernard S.

"Busy street": "Beautiful urban scene. Beautiful painting as I like it."

Coco S.

"Urban ballerina": "Sublime digital painting! Congratulations!"

Michel N.

"I love what you do, friends. Michel "

Ievgeniia B.

"In chaos": "Fantastic work! "

C. J. S.

"Artificial constellation": "The combination of night darkness, city views, immense architecture and artificial light always meets exactly my taste!"

"Wonderful design challenge": "Historical architecture meets modern architecture - a beautiful composition of prints!"

"Racehorse beverage": "Beautiful realization! If I had the money and the space: my wish to realize is still a 1970 Dodge Challenger! It’s this American dream car for me! Fantastic!"

"Metal Jungle": "He drives… And drives… And drives… A real Volkswagen:)"

"Village in the city": "Fantastic implementation!"

"Silent symphony of zebras": "Impressive perspective - great idea!"

"Busy street": "If we can finally walk without worries or go shopping - how beautiful!"

"Up to the light": "They have a good sense of art that surrounds us every day!"

"Unexpected Perspective": "Unexpected but unique!"

Philippe L.

"Tricar at dusk": "A picture that touches me a lot, not only because I had the same side-car, but because the atmosphere reminds me of wonderful memories."

"Country House": "I love it."

"Wonderful design challenge": "Wow!"

Blaise L.

"Artificial Constellation": "Congratulations to you on this wonderful and mysterious creation with beautiful colours…"

"Beautiful works, very interesting… Congratulations." (Belle opere, molto interessati... Complimenti)

Llewellyn B.
​"... Your work is extraordinary. I got lost going from page to page looking at your ink drawings and pastels. Incredibly beautiful and sublime work. Such ordinary images taken on paper or canvas and then blossoming into an extraordinary art. Wow. Fabulous. What an incredible gift you have." (...Your work is extraordinary. I found myself lost in going page to page looking at your ink drawings and your pastels. Stunningly beautiful work and sublime. Such ordinary images taken to paper or canvas and then blossoming into extraordinary art. Wow. Fabulous. What an amazing gift you have.)

Pedro R.
"Very nice gallery. You have a lot of talent. Friendly."

Christiane G.
"Wild heredity": "Such a master, such a dog! We are in the same spirit of guard and safeguard, magnificent!"

"Secret of old stones": "I love it."

Renaud A.
"A lot of poetry in your works!! Bravo and thank you for sharing!"

Sébastien L.
"A little hello from Macau … congratulations for your work I’m a fan."

Laure B.
​"I now discover your work actually abounding! Burst of color, intense movement and search for volume and shapes! Bravo to you! Dance life! Nice continuation to you!"

"Beautiful album! Your digital art style is remarkable! Congratulations and good luck. Regards!"

J. Christophe M.
"I love your works, diverse, eclectic and creative, See you soon for exchanges if possible."

"Wandering Spirit": "Beautiful reflections very suggestive!"

Art historian, Archaeologist
"Wandering spirit": "Rendering of «atmosphere», very convincing, and even beautiful."

"Village in the city": "Excellent!" 

Corinne S.
"Traction Force": "I like your original universe."

"Wonderful design challenge": "A feeling of warmth and apprehension."

Marie Claude L.
​"Night bird": "Unusual!"

"Nightbird": "Wow! Great creation." (Wow! Awesome creation)

Louis L.
​"Perfection": "I LIKE IT!"

Jeannette A.
​"Vertiginous perception": "Superb line of flight!"

"Heart of the street": "The sounds of the city…..!"

"Surprising discovery": "Fantastic surrealism........!"

​Karine P.
​"Child’s dream": "It’s beautiful!"

Marcelo Raul V.
"A fantastic gallery and high quality videos and good music. Bravooo…"

Isabelle G.
"Beautiful, great job."

Alain D.
"Space-time": "Superb! I love this work that captivates my imagination with a space-time parallel to ours. Bravo!"

Hervé H.
"RPG": "The unknown looks at us with a dark look as he takes off the mask on his strategy, but the game has not started. Suspense… Bravo"

"Role-playing games": "Very beautiful and talking. The real person hides behind the chess strategy."

"I looked at your gallery, which I really like. I hope we will have another opportunity to exchange... Very kindly to you."

"Beautiful your gallery ! I love it! The definition you make of it (profile ) is very accurate. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet one day (opening or exhibition) cordially."

"Cubic swell": "Very bright and colorful! I like it a lot!"

"Village in the city": "Very nice! I really like it!"

​Marisol U.
"Nautilus shell inspiration": "Awesome, beautiful." (Genial Magnífico)

​"Excellent composition of images." (Estupenda composición de la imagen)

"Mirror under shower": "Fantastique réalisation j'adore." (Fantastica realizacion me encanta)

"Village in the city": "Fantastic realization." (Fantastica realizacion)

"Beautiful achievements, magnificent." (Hermosos logros, magníficos)

Secret of old stones": "Precious realization." (Preciosa realizacion)

​Orlando V.
"Mixed emotions": "Awesome!"

​Dominique R.
"Paradoxical concept": "Happy to discover a lover and magician of the image, who twists reality to come back to us in force, and it works for me."

"Very graphic, excellent!"

"Beautiful realization in any case!"

"Wow! Great ! ! I really like working on the dark side. And as Marisol says in the previous comment, the realization is fantastic!"

​Bruno C.
​"Master of the world": "Beautiful marriage of academy and digital (architecture) that few artists dig."

​Bernard S.
"Wandering Spirit": "A street scene in the rain as I like it. A beautiful realization pleasant to contemplate."

Hervé H.


​David V.
​"Fire Gaze": "It’s really beautiful! Bravo to you!"

Patrick B.
​Ink Dreams : "Giving this impression of life in a few strokes of pencil or ink strokes is not given to everyone. I am admiring. Bravo."


Eve C.
"Nocturnal magic": "I really like this work that I find magical indeed!"

​"I’m not going to be short on compliments. I find your daily welcome full of humour, sweetness, energy and tenderness. The minimalist treatment of your works only increases the strength in my eyes. Anyway, I like it very much, I wanted to tell you and I will follow your work with great interest. Yours truly!"

"Rooster in the wind": "You only need a few lines and everything is said! No, I forgot the touch of humor!"

​"Their failure": "Creatively..!" (Creatively..!)

Vice C.
​"Hi Michele, I don’t speak good French .... sorry. I’m swamped .... I discovered your work, I need to stop longer, there is no rush .. You have a lot to say, a lot to excite ... and keep creating … thank you."

​"Congratulations on your creations."

​Gilles P.
​"Femme cristalline": "Very beautiful work . Compliments!!"

Jacques J.
​"Cubic spin-off": "Great work together. Bravo!"

Anna L.
​"A busy street": "Perfect work, I really love it!"

Sorin Niculae L.
​"Silent symphony of zebras": "Super !!"

Luv G.

​"Southern atmosphere": "WONDERFUL!" (WONDERFUL!)

​"Stone stracking": "Fabulous!" (Fabulous...!)

Emma L.
"Glimmer of hope": "Beautiful composition!"

​Elena R.
​"Seeing your work, I appreciate it. They have a soul, style and know-how! I wish you new discoveries and achievements."(Видя ваши работы, я ценю это. У них есть душа, стиль и ноу-хау! Желаю вам новых открытий и достижений)

"Umbrella farandole": "Very talented!" (Очень талантливо!)

"Out of time": "A beautiful piece." (Чудесное произведение)

"Alone in the world": "Very creative and elegant work! Classify!" (Очень креативная и стильная работа! Класс!)

​"Selfie": "Beautiful!"

"Water mirror": "Water mirror, high in colors!! An impression of tunnel end…. We are at this exit! Much meaning this work Michele. Good artistic continuation."

Gerald R.
"In the podiatrist": "A beautiful drawing - the essential expressed in a few features - just perfect. I really like it. Thank you very much:-) also for the very nice contact." (Eine wunderschöne Zeichnung - mit nur wenigen Strichen das Wesentliche ausgedrückt - einfach perfekt. Ich habe sehr viel Freude daran. Ganz herzlichen Dank:-) (auch für den sehr netten Kontakt)

"Role Playing": "Beautiful composition; bravo."

​Jean-Luc L.
​"Tender bear": "Beautiful complicity! with 4 or 5 lines you know how to move! it’s strong."

Uwe K.
​"Perfectly staged." (Perfekt inszeniert)

"Very creative artist who has a fine hand for what the world needs." (Sehr kreativer Künstler, der ein feines Händchen für das hat, was die Welt braucht)

​Herve Yann D.
​"Coffee break": "Great pencil shot"

"Industrial magnetism": "Great atmosphere… As usual."

"Alone in the world": "He or she drives to the right… So he or she is not in the London suburbs… He or she is not wearing a yellow vest and there is no fluorescent triangle behind his or her vehicle…so he or she is not in France either…Uh! I’m even investigating to rescue him.
I hope for him or her that he or she has water because I will not arrive until tomorrow.
I noticed an important clue, mbb, that he or she probably traced in the sand at the bottom right about 18 meters from his car. Why?  Mbb tells me something but it has nothing to do with it"

​"Exotic charm": "Hello. And yes there are favorites like that in life. I don’t know you, but I think you’re a person who knows what she wants. The presentation of your work and its content really deserves to be recognized as a great artist. I’m done flattering my little wife, she’s gonna be jealous."

"In the Arena": "Three little strokes and then there…
The great class. The dream of all the designers.
Take a bite out of life.
B. R. A. V. O"

​"Vaporous femininity": "Of all beauty. An overflowing artistic imagination."

"Gaze of fire": "When I see this wonderful realization I have only one regret is not to have already realized it in dry pastel on black paper. Your work, which I have seen on your videos, is sublime. Bravo"

"Mirror under shower": "Fantastic." (Fantastisch)

"Night life": "Fantastic." (Fantastisch)

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